Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Carsada Farms Fall 2009

three kiddos (on one chair) surveying the farm out our window on Friday morning...

We jumped at the chance, this Fall, for a long weekend up at the farm in Malone. Not-so-perfect timing though, Uncle David and Carl were headed out for an international cow show in Wisconsin. I kind of wondered what kind of animals were represented there; any Holsteins from Bangladesh or Guernseys from Timbuktu? he he. We did come on a weekend when there was a Huskies home football home game though, so we got to see cousin Sam "the slam" Moore in action on the field. We stayed at the cozy blue house, on the property of the farm, which is so cutely decorated and is the perfect little farm cottage. Charlie and Aaron loved roaming around and I believe Charlie may have added "hay mow" to his list of all-time favorite places.

Baling twine, favorite thing.

Poor Sam had an injury during the game -- he plays both offensive and defensive line--fortunately it was minor and the team still pulled off a win! Poor Aunt Kris (Sam's mom) was in a tough spot and, when the injury occurred, worriedly asked if she should go down to the sideline to check on him. Sam's younger bro Aaron said firmly, "Mom, he said you should never go down there EVER." Kind of made me chuckle;)

Rollin' down the hill at Malone High.

Super fans, Great Gram and Amelia.

Amelia and her Papa.

Calf feeding time. Our fam loves being part of this twice-daily fun. I'm sure our city slicker enjoyment entertains our rellies to no end. Mom (a farm girl at heart since she grew up here) and I always take charge of the bottle-feeding for those little spindly-legged newborns. It is a sloppy job (lots of calf slobber and I think a rowdy bull may have bit a hole in my jacket) but makes you feel very alive and utilitarian. Bob even set his alarm so he could get over early to do "chores" before we left Sunday. Needless to say, Mom and Mia slept in. Yeah, we're not that dedicated.

Loved to see little Ry Guy in the barn. He had no fear of the calves and stood there patiently as this particular Holstein sucked the life out of his fingers!

Till next time, we love you Moore fam!

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