Thursday, April 12, 2007

Walking never painful!

Charlie is walking---rather unsteadily I must add. He takes so many spills now and, being at a higher altitude, these spills are more traumatic. Yesterday, right before Mom was about to take him to meet friends for lunch, he took a header into the coffee table. As soon as I picked him up I saw that his eye was bright blue which of course freaked Mom out. Putting ice on it seemed to bother him worse then the injury so eventually we gave up on that. Today it is a pretty rainbow of purple, red and blue. I'm sure it will only get more attractive.


Tracey said...

Ouch! Poor guy, hope his first shiner heals soon!

The Rice's said...

Gotta love the accidents from walking:) Paige has had two head injuries, three bloddy lips, and a scrape on her nose! But you have to let them walk!! Jen, Charlie looks a lot like you I think. He has your pretty green eyes.

Lora said...

I CAN wait for those must be so hard to see your little guy experience pain. I guess it makes them stronger in the long run though! I hope your baby blues healed quickly Charlie!