Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Charlie goes sledding (a.k.a. Charlie sits in a sled)

We decided we should document Charlie's first winter so that we would remember how coooooold it was and how we got almost three feet of snow in one week. So...we bundled Charlie up and plunked him in a sled atop a snow drift so that he could revel in all that is winter. He looked around, ate some snow and that was that. Then we all got cold and went inside for some hot chocolate. Well, Charlie had apple juice.
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

"How I beat the winter blues"

Charlie is learning to swim! Well, more accurately, Charlie is learning to splash and kick around while a bunch of shivering parents sing silly songs like, "I'm a little pancake nice and flat...flip me over on my back..." He loves it-- especially the part where he gets to chase after his rubber duck! It is a little harder for Mom and Dad to enjoy it...obviously "heated" pool is a subjective term in Irondequoit.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Cruisin' for a Bruisin'

Charlie has reached an exciting (and painful) new phase of babyhood. He motors over and pulls up to any surface above his head and cruises from one available piece of furniture to the next. The problem is that his journeys inevitably end in a fall that usually involves a loud smack, a pause, and a cry. His little bald head is sporting quite a few bruises from his spills, but he still insists on being vertical constantly. He's not a big fan of crawling. As soon as we put him down on the floor, he scans the room for something to get him upright and crusing. Once and a while he'll let go with both hands and stand alone for a few seconds, but he has yet to take a step...

Thursday, February 01, 2007

A Funny Photo

For the majority of viewers, this merely demonstrates Charlie's love for magazines (ripping them up mostly). Others of you (Bannister Fam) may find this photo more amusing...:)