Friday, July 16, 2010

Month 3

Wesley continues to be a chill baby -- with a couple exceptions: in the car or in the evening between the hours of 8pm-10pm. Seems like he should be hitting the earlier bedtime by now, but this week he has been a night owl. The timing could be better since I took on my first grant project on this month. Needless to say I've done a lot of one-handed typing while holding cranky baby with the other arm--not ideal (especially since our little chunk weighs in at a whoppin' 17 lbs.!) Daddy-o and Wes have done lots of bonding too and I think Bob definitely had his fill of the solo bedtime routine--but it sure felt great to be writing again!

A good illustration of just how happy Wesley is...whenever I look at him, he tries to smile no matter what. He smiles when he coughs so it makes a funny sound and, I'm assuming is not very efficient! He also tries to smile when spitting up which is quite messy since it comes out from a much wider area--eww, but cute in a grody kind of way.

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marla said...

so sweet...great picture!

The Carlson Chronicles said...

Wow--17 lbs! Gotta love the baby chunk! He's so cute! I see a strong resemblance to Charlie in this pic.

Lora said...

such a cutie...