Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Moo is 2

Sweet Amelia M. Moo is officially 2! We celebrated with a "Tu-2 Tea Party" for the gals. When did my little bald babbling baby turn into a walking, talking, willful and wonderful toddler (no connection between the willful and wonderful obviously)? Between these birthday and pre-school milestones, I'm getting way too sentimental. Perhaps it's time for another baby...

Returning from upstairs to continue post...or perhaps the perceived "maturity" of my growing kids is just a mirage after all. I just ran up to check on Charlie who was moaning loudly in his bunk. He was obviously having a bad dream so I pulled him down to comfort him. He was muttering senseless dream mumbles in his sleepy state and it was kind of nice to snuggle with him for a minute. And then I realized he was peeing on me.
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Manda said...

ohmigosh...can't believe he peed on you! so hilarious! (i'm sure that's exactly what you were thinking too!)

cute party for mia! love all the girliness!

Kat said...

thanks for posting pics jen :-) mia is simply be-a-u-ti-ful!!! love the tu-tu's!
oh and sorry you got peed on - won't be the last time ;)
love you!