Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms!

This year I feel blessed because two beautiful children scrambled unto my bed to wish me a Happy Mother's Day, because I only have one set of diapers to change now, because Charlie draws pictures of me with arms coming out of my head, because Amelia wears pig tails, because I get to answer the question "Why?" a thousand times a day, because I get to buy children's books, because I get to use glue sticks and googly eyes and pipe cleaners, 'cuz I get to watch Amelia dance, because Charlie and Amelia are occassionally the best of friends, and because I get to see my husband be an amazing dad. I'm also thankful that motherhood is not making me too sentimental-hardy har.


rachel said...

aw, really sweet post. :)

Manda said...

amelia's pig tails are sooo cute!! i'm jealous i don't have a litte girl to do pig tails on. (at least cai has curls!).