Thursday, January 19, 2006

New to Blogging...
This seems like a good way to keep in touch with those of you who are far away (and nearby too)--especially the grandparents-to-be who are down in sunny South Carolina now. Now, every Friday is a new milestone as Bob and I creep closer to the "big day" when we'll meet our new baby. I still can't believe that we're going to be parents, especially when I'm walking around Babies R Us and feeling like parenthood means entering an entirely new galaxy filled with foreign items like boppies, bjorns and exersaucers. But, we are extremely excited about this new baby and (after a little nagging that I innocently justified as "the nesting instinct") we finally even got around to getting the nursery ready. Today marks week 33 meaning there are just 7 weeks to go before my due date of March 12!


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud... I made the webpage. It was wonderful to see the little bambino, growing into his "going home" outfit already. Many prayers for the very best to you all!
Great Aunt Lynnie

Anonymous said...

Where oh where is the picture of Charlie with sweet little Grandpa?
I am so blessed with such beautiful grandsons. May God bless each household, love sweet little grandpa.