Friday, March 18, 2011

11-month-old lookin' for treasure...

...his favorite place to find it? The downstairs bathroom. I know, wouldn't be my first choice either! But, if that door is open, his baby-dar picks it up and he zooms over as fast as his little scoot can take him.

Yup, we're feeling lucky to have this guy. Sad to have to (almost) say goodbye to his first special year. Now he's ramblin' all over the house and pulling up to stuff, getting into mischief.

Mom, it's about time you stop taking these ridicuous photos of me. A tiny leprechaun hat, seriously? Sheesh.

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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The chocolate caper

After loading the dishwasher, we were sitting lazily in the dining room letting dinner settle. Hmmm, where has Wesley scooted to? I walked in the kitchen and found him here, smiling in happy chocolate delight. He had snagged a chocolate-covered spatula that we had used to make brownies. It just happened to be right within his reach in the dishwasher. He was so proud of his sweet accomplishment, we let him go right on licking!
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