Grandma and Grandpa came up to stay with Charlie while Mom and Dad were in the hospital with Amelia. They brought him by to visit his little sis often.

Cousin Aaron loves his new little pal. He's always happy to give her kisses, but requires some supervision...Aunt Beth keeps an eye on the boys! Aunt Beth is a huge help in every way and I don't know what I'd do without her. Whenever I get tired or discouraged, Beth is there with a supportive phone call, visit or Dunkin Donuts coffee! Thanks, Sis!

Grandma's so pleased to have her first grand daughter at last! She stayed with us for the week and I (Jen) came to the conclusion that, with Mom here and with Bob having a couple days off each week, maybe I could pull this Two under Two thing off. But, alas, Mom had to leave at the end of the week. We both cried (just like last time) realizing how precious it is to share these times together and feeling sad to have it end. I am truly blessed to have a mother who is so caring and so capable. Oh yes, and Charlie cried when Grandma left too! They had so much fun together that week!
Here is Amelia with her Aunt Kat. It's so fun to tell baby news to Kat because she screams, drops whatever she's doing and jumps in her car to come see her new niece! Amelia is hoping she will grow up to be as pretty and sweet as her Auntie!

Uncle Jon came up to visit his little niece in the hospital. Amelia was a little jealous of the abundance of hair her uncle has. It might be a while Amelia...

Here is Charlie giving Amelia a "kiss," --it is more of a "lean in with open mouth," but the love is there:)

Here is Grandpa holding Amelia after she had her last round of antibiotics. It's so special to see
my Dad holding
my little girl, the way he probably held me when I was just a newborn!