Sunday, September 30, 2007

The day we became a family of four...

Amelia Marie arrived at 6:56 am on Friday, September 21. The docs and nurses were amazed to find out that she was 9 lbs and so were we! The moments after she was born were so precious and I will never forget the feeling of holding you on my chest for the first time.

Uncle Jon picked up Charlie from Aunt Beth's house to bring him to the hospital to meet his little sister. He arrived looking so grown up in his "Big Bro" t-shirt. Right away he was gentle and loving with little Amelia--such a sweet thing for his parents to see!

Our very first Family (of Four) Photo

Amelia meets her daddy.

For nine months I've loved you and waited for you and now you're here, sweet little Amelia Marie.
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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hello world

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What's up doc?

Amelia went to the doctor's on Tuesday for a follow-up visit. She's lucky to have a wonderful pediatrician at the office where Aunt Beth is a nurse (Beth lets the other nurses do the niece and nephew shots though:). Amelia was on good behavior until she started to get cold--which made it kind of hard for her pediatrician to listen to her heartbeat! Already at three days old she's gained all but 2 oz of her birth weight back, taking after her brother we guess! She had more blood work done which still indicated a high red blood count. We took her in for another test this morning, so please pray that her levels will be in the normal range. Received news on Friday--levels are normal, so Amelia's "in the clear." Yeah!

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A new arrival

Amelia Marie Adams joined our family at 6:56 am on Friday, September 21! She weighed in at 9 lbs even and is 22 inches long! Amelia had a rough start and experienced some breathing difficulty, so she had to stay a little longer in the hospital's special care nursery to receive antibiotics. On Monday morning, the doctors were able to rule out an infection and pronounced her healthy enough to go home. We're so thankful for all of your prayers and God's faithfulness to our little one. It's a joy to be home together now celebrating our new family of four! Charlie loves his little sister and gives her "kisses" all the time. When she cries he tries to climb into her bouncy seat to comfort her--yikes. More pictures soon...
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Monday, September 17, 2007

Our little helper

It's been a busy month at the Adams house. We didn't figure that we had enough to do in my ninth month of pregnancy, so we've added a kitchen remodel and lots of sewing just to keep things interesting. Charlie loves to be right in the thick of the action as you can see. He can't just watch, he has to sit in the front row and participate if possible (or even if not).

The kitchen is really coming along. We are just waiting for our countertop and floor to be installed and then it will be finished. Bob has had to do a lot of the work, but the upside of that is that, being a perfectionist and a pretty darn handy guy, everything looks amazing! I'm now a week out from my due date and feeling pretty ready to welcome our little girl into the world.

(Notice in the first photo that Charlie has his own little paint brush so that he can "paint" just like Dad, ditto in photo #2 with the sandpaper).
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Down on the Farm

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This summer we were lucky to visit Malone, where Jen's mom's family lives, and got to introduce Charlie to Uncle David's dairy farm. They milk hundreds of cows each day and have fields, barns, and ducks to attend to. Mom was helping in the "nursery" to bottle-feed the calves. Charlie was quite intrigued by the size of this bottle!

"So you'll show me where the milk is? I need to refill my sippy cup."

Everybody on the farm has to earn their keep!

Cousin Aaron is the boss of the calf barn. He (and Charlie) supervised Mom while she struggled with the bottles. It's hard work!

I caught Charlie right before he took a sample of this guy's grain...

"Everybody fed here?"

Cousin Sam was gracious enough to give Charlie a tractor ride around the barns. What a guy!

It was special to spend time with Great Grandma Moore and Bob. Charlie was super happy to sample Grandma's homemade bread and delicious pancakes! Probably his only complaint would be that Mom and Dad stuck him in the laundry room to sleep, but he just could not handle being in the same room with his parents! The laundry room was the perfect solution...although when Uncle Jon went to get him up from his nap one afternoon, he noticed that there was an iron, an electric lint remover, a box of dryer sheets and a pair of scissors in his pack n play!! Apparently, the ironing board (where these items were sitting) was just within his reach. Thank goodness he wasn't hurt:)

"Whew, being a farmer is hard work. What's for dinner?"

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Camping: Part II

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We went to Enchanged Forest Water Safari one day while on vacation and Charlie had a blast. He loved the water slides and probably would have been happy to go down them all day.

Charlie's surfer 'do

Charlie was a little wary of the slides at first...

...but by the end of the day it was the bigger the better!

Uncle Jon would drop Charlie off at the top of this slide and then we would catch him at the bottom. As soon as Jon came in to sight again, Charlie would reach out to him ready to go again!

While the guys went on some of the bigger slides, we hung out on the lazy river. Mom and I were a little worried about getting out of our tubes gracefully. Thankfully we made it out ok!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

9 months and (definitely) counting...

I must admit it's a little sad to be nearing the end of the days of just Charlie and me. We have so much fun together and, like all mothers, I worry about being able to give him the time and attention he needs with a newborn in the house. We're asking for God's strength and providence to help us to become good parents of two!

It's strange to be preparing for a little girl's arrival. I'm wondering how different this experience will be. Maybe she won't be as mesmerized by daddy's tools and mud pies? Maybe she will be able to make it through a 20-minute shopping trip without squirming and skittles?

We made a little nursery for Baby Beans (no, we haven't come up with a name yet...we have narrowed it down to 4 though) in our former guest room. Charlie is quite intrigued by the crib and all the little tiny outfits hanging in the closet. He does point at my stomach and say "baby" too...but, I honestly don't believe he has any idea what is in store!!

Here is our little girl at 8 months (is that Charlie's nose I see?). They told us at the ultrasound that she is "ahead of schedule" on most of her measurements including head size (how nice). Here's hoping I don't go overdue and deliver a baby bigger than Charlie's 8lb. 9oz. Yikes!!

It is a surreal and special time, these last few weeks of waiting. Mom, Dad and Charlie are so eager to meet you little girl--you already hold a special place in our hearts, we can't wait to hold you in our arms!