Monday, December 18, 2006

Merry Christmas to All!

Here is a photo of the Koepp family at Thanksgiving, Charlie had already changed into his pajamas since it was past his bedtime

We think Charlie looks a lot like his Grandpa Adams!

Thanksgiving pics with relatives

Charlie's Grandma and his Great Nana Koepp

Aunt Ruthie and Cousin Amanda

Reading with Grandpa

Charlie has fun with Uncle Jon

Saturday, December 09, 2006

A Thanksgiving Family Photo

Our little man got all dressed up for his first Thanksgiving. Grandma Adams gave him some special treats from the table so he was loving it! Certainly this holiday is a time to look around at the blessings that God showers upon all of us--family, friends, health, forgiveness and hope. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Like Father, Like Son...

Disclaimer (for Grandma): This is only a plastic donut Charlie played with at the Strong Museum Wegmans.



"What are you doing with that green stuff, Mom?"

"Should've kept my mouth shut!"